Thursday, December 2, 2010

October and November Upgrades

Motion Sensing Outside Light

We wanted to increase our security around the trailer so we decided to replace the outside porch light (with the yellow cover) with a light that senses motion and automatically turns on.

If you pry the cover off the light above, you can see the four screws below that hold it onto the trailer. 

Remove the four screws and you can remove the housing and use a putty knife to carefully pry the backplate off the trailer.

We chose this light and were very happy to see that the installation holes matched the original fixture.

Once it was sealed and mounted, you would think it was original equipment.  It works like most sensors in that you turn on the power, turn it off and quickly turn the power back on again to put it in motion sensing mode.  Then it only comes on after dark  when it senses somthing near.  I would like to put a couple more on but I will have to figure out how to wire them to the other sides  of the trailer.

Accumulator Tank Mod

We are  trying to decrease the sound level of the water pump, as well as the cycling of it.  I ordered a shureflow accumulator tank and installed it.  We also covered our water lines in foam insulation.  We lowered the noise a little but overall I did not beleive this mod helped very much.

TV Antenna Mod

We have a Winegard Sensar III TV antenna that you manually rotate to pickup the best TV signal.  I installed a King Controls SureLock SL1000 Digital TV Signal Finder so that I could tell when I was pointed in the best direction for maximum signal stength.

I permanently inserted the meter between the powered antenna out jack and the TV inside the trailer and velcroed it to the wall by the thermostat.  The meter uses one 9V battery, has an on/off switch, and also a sensitivity dial so you can adjust the meter sensitivity to work in whatever environment you are in.  I also installed a Winegard Wingman on the antenna to increase the UHF sensitivity for digital tv signals.

Here is the picture of the Winegard Sensar III prior to the installation of the Wingman.

Here is the picture of the Wingman installed on the antenna.

And here is the proof of signal gain using the Wingman.  This mod will allow us greater ability to pickup over the air digtal HD tv as well as ensure we have pointed the antenna in the best possible direction for reception.

Flag Pole Installation.

I enjoy flying our flags while camping, so I purchased a flag pole holder that I can put under any of the jacks or wheels of the trailer.

So far, I like putting it under the front jack of the trailer and adjusting it so that the pole comes right up beside the front frame by the LP bottles.

Here is a picture with the pole and US flag flying.  We also have a locator flag we use when in large groups but it is not in this picture.

I also installed a 12V cigarette lighter plug in the outside compartment behind the refridgerator to power our 12V lights we hang from the awning but I don't have any pictures of it yet.  I will post pictures later.

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